Monday, June 14, 2010

I put the five pictures together but didn't use the Flash program just photoshop.I used almost  all the skills i learned in this class

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This is my first work for this class.I found the background which is ice. Than added he polar bear on one piece of ice.In my poem I used one of the 5 senses .I used touch by saying the cold ice.On the bottom i added factories so it would show the cause which are factories and effect which is melting ice and polar bears going to die off.
 I selected the french fries and doubled it. The other french fries i rotated so it would look like reflection. Also i used the light effect so it would disappear a little. Cut out  the bad french fries from one image and put it on tis one. Also the bugs put from another image. This activity helped me understand how to use photoshop to make a reflection.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

This is project #5.I used linear light for the alien to blend with  the background.I darken the students because they are the main subjects on this picture.I used linear light so the students would blend in with the background. All together it looks like one picture of students being in the future.But I did contrast with the alien because everything was dark and for a change a made the alien vivid light.So he stands out but at the same time he also belongs to the picture.

Spaceship.This is project #6.It's a visual pun of the spaceship.So in this picture you see a real ship in space.I cut out the ship from one image and put it into the space.Then lighted the color of the ship so it would go with the picture.I also resized the ship because it was to big for the space.It looks like the ship is floating in space .I think when you look at this picture you mentally elaborate that ship in the space is spaceship put together.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I took the pieces from diffrent postes some pieces are even from diffrent movies.The fake Titanic 2 trailer inspired me to make this poster.This only shows Jack's past so it keeps a mystery of what is going to occur in Titanic 2.One it's obvious that Jack is coming back from the dead because from this poster it looks like he will be the main character of Titanic 2.Also the background of New York indicates that his adventure's will be happing there.Also i used alot of lighting for this poster so Leonardo would be lighter ,the newspaper nearly invisible and Rose with Jack would be bright colors that represent their happiness together.The purple quoting means that alot of years gone by and what Jack knew was normal in his world willl change because he will be in the future.So the poster is dedicated to the fake trailer Titanic 2 and the 98th anniversary of Titanic.